Sunday, October 24, 2010

10/23 Santa Fe

Home at last.

10/21 St. Louis

We saw Camp Dubois (Wood River), Missouri. This is where the Lewis and Clark expedition started. It is also where the Corps of Discovery wintered.

Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from Napoleon, because his army needed money for supplies. Jefferson decided that we should explore the new lands. The expedition need leaders so Jefferson appointed his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, to lead the expedition. Then Lewis thought that the expedition needed a second officer in case he fell sick. Lewis invited his old officer William Clark. 1803 Jefferson told Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to take the expedition to go up the Missouri River in search of a water route to the Pacific. Lewis and Clark named the expedition Corps of Discovery.

Jefferson told the pair to find a water route to the Pacific, document the territory and make contact with the native tribes living there. Jefferson told the Corps to meet the tribes, because Jefferson was curious about the number and their cultures. In 1803, European thought the northwest was a prize. Jefferson told Lewis and Clark to stake the northwest as ours and find a northwest passage. He also wanted them to map the western lands and describe all the plant and animals.
There was a 55 foot boat called a keelboat. This boat could go up the Missouri. There were four ways it could go up the river; they could sail it, tow it, row it and push it with a pole. They had to have two more boats of supplies for the trip. This boat was durable, sleek, narrow and fast looking.
In the end, the trip took 2 years 4 months and 10 days to finish the trip, including 6 months to return to St. Louis. This was like going to the moon in that day.

We also saw the Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri. This was a memorial to the expedition that Lewis and Clark led.

The Gateway Arch is the largest man made arch in the world at 630 feet tall and wide. The shape of the blocks is a triangle. The triangles get smaller as they go up, so the arch looks taller than it really is. No other buildings in St. Louis are as tall as it. The people who worked on it had no safety nets to build and nobody died during building it. The arch is faced with stainless steel. The inside is strengthened by concrete. The Gateway Arch was finished in 1965.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/20 Cahokia

Monks Mound and Dwellings
We went to Cahokia, St. Louis, Illinois. This was a place that ancient mound builders lived and worked.

Before the Mississippian culture came about its ancestors, the Paleo-Indians, came from Asia and migrated here with the big-game  As the Paleo-Indians food died out, a new culture arose, the Archaic Indians. They started to hunt smaller animals such as deer and other game. The Archaic Indians started to settle the area, trade and cultivate and became the Early Woodland peoples. The people started to make mounds and became the Middle Woodlands peoples. Then they came up with the bow and stated to cultivate corn. These were the Late Woodland people. These people became the Mississippians, the people that made the mounds that we see today.  These people traded all the way to the Rockies to the Pacific Ocean and from Wisconsin to the Gulf of Mexico. They traded for mica, flint, galena, shells, quartz and granite.

Woodhenge Equinox and Solstice Sundial
The Mississippian culture was an agricultural based culture. The culture grew mostly corn . There culture went from Wisconsin to Florida. In Cahokia, there were 4 lines of settlement. The largest was the first line settlement. The only first line settlement was Cahokia. The first line community had many mounds, lots of houses and a grand plaza. The second line of community was like a town. It had some mounds, a plaza and many houses. The third line of community was like a village and had one mound, a small plaza and some houses. The fourth line of community was like a hamlet it had 3-5 houses. All the communities had a central pole where  the people met.

The Mississippians, here, made three different kinds of great structures. The first kind was the mounds. There were three different kinds of mounds. One was the conical mounds which were made for burying leaders, flat topped mounds which was where temples were built and was were the chiefs live and the ridge top mounds were where sub-chiefs were buried. They also made stockades out of wood and put clay on them. Then the made the Woodhenge. It was a calendar for planting and harvesting depending on the seasons and the sun.

The Mississippians made many things. They made things mainly out of wood, stone, animals, clay and fibers. They traded these for the things they needed.
The death of the culture is unknown to us but scientists think that the culture died out because of disease, not enough protein or by over throwing their chief.  The Woodhenge was first discovered in 1960s and the early 1970s. Today there is a museum that is awesome and informative.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/18 Philadelphia

We were in Philadelphia, Penn. This was first capital of America. This is were the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed.
The Founding Fathers sign three important documents in Philadelphia. The Declaration of Independence was read in front of people on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. On August 10, 1776 the final copy of the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Articles of Confederation was the first Constitution. In 1787 the Continental Congress decided that the Central Government needed more control of the states so it made a Constitution. During the meeting for the Constitution Benjamin Franklin commented on the sun on the back of the Presidents chair and said, “I have always pondered if the sun was rising or setting. Now, I have the pleasure to know that it is a rising sun not a setting sun.“ Also during the making of the Constitution Benjamin Franklin came up with a compromise for the states that were arguing about their rights. After the Constitution, these United States became the United State because Before the Constitution, the states had there own currency, didn’t have to pay taxes to support the government and could make a standing army. Benjamin Franklin also said, “You have a republic if you can keep it.” Philadelphia has a mix of older building and newer but most are reproductions of older buildings.

Benjamin Franklin was an inventer, scholar, printer, a post-master before the war, and diplomat. He invented the electrical battery, lightening-rod, flippers, bi-focals for glasses, use kites to discover properties of lightening, and was the first use positive and negative (plus and minus) to describe electricity. He made the first lottery tickets in the new world. He made it money as a printer. He went to France and helped convince the French King, Louis XVI, to support the Americans in the Revolutionary War. He did this with only two years of school.
Philadelphia is a house to many important events. The Liberty Bell is one of the nation's most important relic. It represent the fight for liberty and justice for America. The bell was first named the State House Bell At first the bell was cast in London and arrived in America 1753 and as soon as they got here it cracked, so some metalworkers decided that they would remake the bell with a mold. The bell we see today is the one the metalworkers made. The abolitionists named the bell the Liberty Bell to represent the Liberty of slaves. We ate at City Tavern, where some important people ate. This was the meeting place of the Continental Congress until it moved to a meetinghouse and Paul Revere ate here for dinner. This is also the place that the Congress celebrated the signing of the Constitution. This are some of the few places that have a history in Philadelphia

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/17 Hopewell Furnace, Battle of Brandywine, and Valley Forge

We saw Hopewell Furnace, Penn. Mark Bird, the founder, came to this area t make a mill.

Mark Bird knew of the brewing Revolutionary War. That in mind he thought that his could help the colonists by providing them cannons for the war. At first they made fine Hopewell stoves. In the end they made about 4000 stoves. The stoves were made by professional molders. At first the hand craved wood forms then boxes were put around them to keep the sand they put to form molds. The hand craved wood forms were dusted with charcoal. Then the mold was filled with compacted sand that could be used for molds. Then another side is made the same way but with a gate to pour the metal into the mold Then the mold was taken to the Blast Furnace and metal was poured in to the mold. At the peak of it’s period it was supplying 15% of the world iron products. The British destroyed most of the furnaces, because they could supply the Continental Army with weapons, but they didn’t destroy Hopewell furnace. Then they started to make something they had never made before, munitions. The iron industry did this “learning by doing” to make cannon, shot and much more. At Hopewell 115 larger guns were made. More important they, supplied shot and shell for the US Navy and Army all though War.

We also saw Brandywine Battlefield, Penn. This was the place that Howe attacked George Washington’s force of men.

English was trying to cut the Rebels in half by taking the Hudson River. General Burgoyne went to capture the city of Albany, but was stopped at Saratoga. Desperate for troops he waited there but never got the troops because they were trying to get the new nations capital, Philadelphia instead of reinforcing Burgoyne. Then they attacked Washington army. Washington covered most of the near by fords and didn’t know about some of the fords up north. Howe knew of the two fords that Washington didn’t know of. Washington put the most of his forces at Chadd’s. Then Howe sent the Hessians to attack Washington’s main line. Then he took most of his troops and snuck around to attack the flank of George Washington’s line the Patriots fell back. They tried to hold there place but were unable to do that they started a orderly retreat. Then the British captured Philadelphia, but they had lost at Saratoga helping us gain the help of the French letting us win the war with Britain. They went to Valley Forge for winter quarters.

The last thing we saw was Valley Forge. This was the place of a Forge before the British burned it down two months earlier than the Americans came to Valley Forge.
In the Fall 1777 Washington’s army goes to the winter quarters in Valley Forge. On December 19th they arrive at Valley Forge. In January the poorly supplied army got cloths, supplies and food in January from a captured British ship. Then in February Howe resigns his post and remains in America until he can be replaced also Baron von Steuben comes. In March, von Steuben starts to train a model company of soldiers and Clinton replaces Howe. The alliance with France is confirmed. In April, a major general is taken out of a British prison and the model troop trains the other troop. In May, May Day is celebrated and the religious ceremonies. A group of Indians join the cause of the Americans. On June 19th the army moves back to Philadelphia, after the British went a way from it. The killer of most of the soldiers was disease. The types diseases were influenza, typhoid, typhus and dysentery. For 1 soldier dying of battle 10 died of disease. Wood huts took 80 trees to make a hut and 1000 huts were made along a ridge line in view of Philadelphia but far enough to not have a surprise attack. There were guard post and trenches to guard the encampment. When von Steuben trained the troops he said, “You say [to a soldier in Europe] “Do this” and he doeth it; but I am obliged to say “This is the reason why you have to do this.” At the end the number of men grew to 20,000. The reason why this recognized is because it had the highest death total of all the winter encampments.

10/13 Cape Cod and Plymouth

We went to Cape Cod, Mass. This is where the U.S. Coast Guard was started.

Cape Cod is a end moraine for a continental ice sheet that existed 15,000 year ago. It was formed by the constant melting and regrowing of a glacier’s lobe. Constant currents are moving the sand northward into a hook. When whaling was important for getting oil lamps, it was very dangerous to go out and go whaling. The local residents decided that the coasts should be watched for shipwrecks on the rocks so the US Life Saving Service was formed. The people who run this job were volunteers. The job was passed from father to son. The job needed tools to help saving people. The most important was the boat and there was cannons that shot rope across the ocean to create a zip line although this happened once they had to know how to do it.

We also went to Plylmouth, Mass. This is were the colonists made their village.
The Plymouth Rock is the legendary place that they thought that they landed, but actually they landed on the tip of Cape Cod in 1620. Then some people went to present day Plymouth. This the place of the first substantial village in the New England. To get there the Pilgrims had to sail 66 days to get there on the Mayflower there were 126 people including the crew. Of the 126, 102 decided to stay in the new world. The reason being that the people who went to the new world were protestants and used a different Bible than Church of England. After the first winter only 45 remanded then they the gained the trust of the Wampanoags. They helped make the colony successful. The Wampanoags showed them how to plant the corn they stole. Then one of the Wampanoag leaders brought his warriors and stayed for three days feasting and celebrating. T Plimoth Village, we saw to the recreation of the 1627 English Village. The houses were small and fires in every room to keep it warm. The house had tops of cattails and were insulated by mud and stone. Thanksgiving was a holiday to celebrate the first year that the Pilgrims survived because of the native peoples help. Then the first official Thanksgiving was the established by Abraham Lincoln. Right after the Battle of Gettysburg he thought that this is a day of blessings.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10/12 Saugus Iron Works

We went to Saugus Iron Works in Hammersmith, Mass. This was the start of the metal working in the United States.

Furnace and foundry
The Puritans wanted to be self sufficient community. So, the puritans decided that they would make a Iron Works. They asked so puritans supporters in England help or money and to help them. The puritans got a work force of Scottish prisoners of war and a non-puritan commander to lead them he chose the place of the Iron Works. The place of the Iron Works was along the Saugus River which gave it the name for the Saugus Iron Works.

The Iron Works is powered by only charcoal and water. It has bellows that are powered by water wheels that turn the cogs that power the bellows. The water comes from channels or sluiceways then . In the Iron Works there are 3 stages the iron could go thought. The first was the blast furnace, where the iron is heated to it’s melting point and is pored into a mold to cool down. Then some of the iron is taken to the forge, where the iron is warned up and pounded into flats or other things. Then the flats are taken to the slitting and rolling mill where the flat are flattened more and cut into nail rod. Then Nailery and Blacksmith shops get the metal coming out of the mills. There was a Blacksmith shop on the campus for making the things the mill needed.

After two decades, the Iron Works stopped making the metal products because of the Iron Works terms of work and the expenses of doing this effected the puritan colony. The business of Iron Working sprend all over the United States In the 1940 some preservationists dug up the Iron Works and rebuilt them to the best calculations.

11/11 Lowell

One machine

Lots of machines
 We went to Lowell, Mass. This is one places that the Industrial Revolution started.
At first Lowell was a small agricultural area, when people first invented the power loom in England the Americans didn’t what to be lower than them. So, Mr. Lowell went over to England to steal the plans for the power loom. He remembered the plans and he created a blueprint of the power loom, but with a few adjustments. Then Mr. Lowell looked for the right place to build his mill. Unfortunately he died, but his partners found the Merrimack River. The Pawtucket Falls was the perfect place for the mill because of the water power. His friends planned out the city. They planned out the main canals and proved that their concept worked. Then his friends hired workers to make the canals. 500 Irish workers worked and dug the canals. When the gates were open to the workers, they hired Yankee farm girls and women for working the mills.

Factory and power canal
The first wave of the workers were the Yankee farm girls. The people who worked the mills were called “mill girls” There were different types of jobs in the mill at the bottom were the people who work the looms and at the top the owners. The Yankee farm girls came for opportunity and work, but as they worked their wages went down. Then they went on strike. They didn’t get there wish. So they left, but the immigrants were coming in from every where looking for work and found work in the mills. The immigrants would work for little pay and they hired boys to carry the cotton from floor to floor. The workers went on strike for so long that the managers finally agreed to the higher wages, but the business finally moved onto the south, because there were less taxes and the owners didn’t have to pay as much as they did in the north. Also the machines were old.

We went on a canal ride. The canal was a way providing power to the mills. The mills made power by moving the turbines with water.

10/10 Boston

We went to Boston and Charlestown Massachusetts. Boston has a lot of Historic Areas. Boston is home to many historic sites. Charleston is the site of Bunker Hill.

Bunker Hill Monument
Charlestown is the home to the famous Bunker Hill. The reason there is a historic site is that Joseph Warren, a famous doctor in Boston was killed during the Battle of Bunker, but all the Americans and some British officers objected it. There is a big monument to him. The battle happened during the Siege of Boston. The Americans Surrounded the British in the Siege of Boston. Then the American learned of the plans of the British to do a three pronged attack on the Americans. The Americans decided to build a fort on Bunker Hill they thought that this would make the British have to attack the Americans so at 4 in the morning the Americans started to build a fort. When the British saw the fort the had to attack the fort or Boston would be in danger of being hit by canons, which the Americans did not have with them, but the British did not know that. So the British had to get on boats and there was not enough room to move all the British all at once. They moved the British in three waves to Charlestown then the British Regulars had to cross a swamp. Then they planned on walking along the beach. Then they saw the Americans digging a trench in the ground and they had brought the 6-pounder cannons, but had 12-pound ammunition. So, they charged the Americans they shot the British down. By the end there were 50 of the 350 were still able to fight. Then the American Stark of New Hampshire came to the fort with his men and saw the river was open and then he took his troops and made walls of the all the way into the nearby river. Then 500 British came to attack Starks men. So, they did and attack by three first the one 1/3 shot then another 1/3 then the last. There was someone always firing. Until there were no more. The Starks crew went back to the fort and the British lobed cannonballs at the fort and the men were scared so one of the officers stood up on the wall and said “they can’t hit anything”. Then the British attack the fort and the Americans retreated. The Americans eventually retreated but they had 1/3 of the losses and achieved three things they wanted to they were they could stand up to the British, they improved there moral and they protected Cambridge.

We also saw the Constitution. This is the oldest commissioned warship afloat. The Constitution was finished after 3 years of make was finished in 1777. The ship got its name in its last battle “Old Ironsides” because the cannonballs bounced off and stuck to the boat because of the live oak, which is 3 times denser than regular oak. The ships time of battles were from 1812 to 1815. The ship got into 33 and lost 0 times. To run the ship the crew size was 400-500 men on the ship. There were up to 60 guns on the ship.

We saw so other important places in the Revolutionary War. First we saw the North Church. This is the place the lanterns were hung in the church. The caretaker of the church lit them only for a minute thought. The saying was “1 if by land and 2 if by sea”. Second we saw the sight of the Boston Massacre in 1770 on March 5th. This was a riot against taxes and was one of the reasons the war started.

10/9 Minuteman National Park

We went to Minute Men National Park, Massachusetts. The Minute Men were a group of young soldiers who said that they could be summoned in a minute. There are Minute Men all over Massachusetts.

The British were told that the colonists were storing munitions at Concord. The British also knew that these munitions could support a army of 15,000, but the Americans also knew that the British were coming to Concord Paul Revere told the people of Concord 5 days earlier than the British came to Concord. That set up a alarm around the Massachusetts. When the British came two riders were sent out to warn the others of the coming British army. These riders were Paul Revere and William Dawes. They took separate route but both arrived in Lexington to warn Adams and Hancock. Then they continued on. They met up with Samuel Prescott and they all rode together to Concord but they were stopped and only Prescott made it to Concord and warned the colonists to hide the guns.

In Lexington 80 Minute Men stood up to the General Gages British army but were unable to hold them. They retreated to Concord right in front of the British and waited across the North Bridge on to the nearby hill. The American forces grew to 400 over the time of the battle. The British searched the whole town of Concord for munitions but most of them were not found some of the British went to search Barrett’s Farm and had to cross the North Bridge where the Americans were waiting. The British split their troops in to two half went to search Barrett’s Farm. The others guarded the North Bridge. From the hill the Americans saw smoke rising above the town. Then one of the officers said to there men “Your not going let them burn down the town”. The soldiers all ready for battle so they went to the North Bridge and stood there in front of the British and someone fired this was the place the “shot heard round the world“. No one knows who fired the shot, but this was the first time the Americans fired at the British army, killing two. The British retreated from Concord to Boston on the way home the Americans numbers grew to 4,000 while they harassed the British a lot and by the end of the Battle Road. Within a week the Americans had 20,000 men. General Gage was replaced by Howe. The Siege of Boston started.
North Bridge

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10/8 Salem Wharfs and Witches

We are in Salem, Mass. Yesterday we saw the wharfs and the Salem which’s. Salem means shalom which means peace. Salem was the capital of the Massachusetts colony at one time

Salem was a busy port in the its time. In 1804 there were 200 registered international sail ships in Salem. In Salem there were the first millionaires and they where all privateers . First was Elias Hasket Derby he own a million dollar estate. He was the first shipowner to sail past the Cape of Good Hope. Then was William Gray he was worth 3 million dollars. He owned 181 ships in his lifetime. The last was Simon Forester. He was worth 1.5 million dollars. He came to Salem when he was 19 as a Irish sailor. Most sailor started around the time you were 13 years of age. The ships carried 18-20 people at a time. The wage of a sailor was about the same as a officer but officers got privileges. People could make a fortune by being a sailor. We also saw one of the ships named Friendship. It is a reproduction of a old trade ship and is a working ship.

Salem also had a dark history. During the Witch Trials 19 people were hanged and 1 man pressed to death. The reason the Witch Trials started is that on snowy days they were told story by Tituba, a black cook, in Rev. Paris kitchen. Most of the accused were put in jail and died there. One of the first was Rebecca Nurse a old lady who was partly deaf, so she could not hear the questions, so she was put into jail and hanged. Ann Putnam, one people who started the whole thing, confessed 16 years later in front of Rebecca Nurse’s children. When people in Boston heard of this they put a end to it but the people in jail stayed there for more years than they should have.

10/3-10/6 New Hampshire

We went to Franconia Notch, New Hampshire. There we went to the Flume

The Flume is a crack in a rock that is craved out by water and it means river in French. The reason why it is called the flume is the people who had mill made Flumes to transports water to their mills to make power for them when people saw the Flume they thought that it look like a Flume. So, they named the Flume. The Flume happened because the schist cracked during a uplift of some sort. Then the crack was filled in with lava during a lava flow. The rocks name is Basalt. When the glacier came thought and craved the Basalt out because there was high pressured water under the glacier.

We also when to the COG Railway. This is the first railway to climb up a mountain. The COG Railway goes up Mount Washington. Mount Washington is the place with the highest wind speed in the world recorded by a man. It is also the highest mountain in the Northeast. The reason the Cog Railway is called that is because on each of the trains and cars there are cogs, the cogs are like gears but with one really long cog that goes up the mountains.

Monday, October 4, 2010

For the past couple days we have not had Internet Connection, but have been doning alot. First we were in a flood making it hard to do anything, but we did go to the first Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Shop we took a tour of the Factory. It's really cool how they make Ice Cream. We also got to try the new flavor. It's name was Milk and Cookies, which was really yummy.  The next day we went to Sugerbush Maple Farm. We tried all different kinds of Maple Surup. Their were 4 differnet kinds of surup. They are Vermont Fancy,which is the lightest kind of surup. Then there is the Grade A Medium Amber, it is the second lightest. Then the Grade A Dark Amber, which is the second darkest type of surup. My favorite one was the Grade B, which is harvested latest in the season and is the darkest kind of surup. We left the place we were staying and went and saw The Mountain School. It was really cool. People in 11th grade go here for one semester. They tap Maple Trees, they have a rather large garden, with Squash, Vegatables, and Spices and many animals such as, cows, sheep and chickens. We were given a tour of the school by Molly, who is person from Prep.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

9/30 We are going to Vermont

We are currently in the Adirondack Mountains. The leaves are beautiful and it's raining a lot.  We might not have Internet connection for a while because we are in a remote area of Vermont.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9/27: Crown Point

Today we saw Crown Point, NY. This is one of the places that the guns for Boston were taken from.

The French and the British were two superpowers in Europe. They were two very strong enemies. When they came to the New World they allied with two of the local Indians groups. The French were allied with the Algonquin and the British with Iroquois. In Europe, the Seven Year War was being fought by the French and British, which was a world war, and in America the French and the Algonquin fought the British and the Iroquois in the French and Indian War. The French and British used the Indians for killing off the others' settlers because the British and the French were low on people. Both superpowers wanted to control Lake Champlain because it was a major trade route and was a good way between Canada and the New York. The French built two forts on Lake Champlain. Fort St. Frederic and Fort Ticonderoga were burned by the French, taken by the British, and looted by the Americans. The American wanted the fort because it had cannons. The cannons were needed for the American Revolution because the Americans revolted against the taxes that the British imposed on the Americans to pay off the debt of the French and Indian war.

The French made a Fort called, Fort St. Frederic. The fort was built on British territory. There was a treaty that was called Treaty of Utrecht that set a boundary at Split Rock, which was a little bit north of Crown Point where the French built their fort. The British planned an attack on Fort Frederic but the French abandoned and blow it and it burned. The British started to build another fort and the called it Fort Crown Point. This fort was the largest earthen fort built in America. Then the fort was burned by accident. The reason of the fire was one of the officers wife’s was cooking “pork and pease” when the sparks from the fire got in the chimney and started a chimney fire. The sparks from the chimney fire on the roof and caused the fort to be on fire. The cannons that were at Crown Point and Fort Ticonderoga were need for the Siege at Boston. Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold did like each other, so they raced from Fort Ticonderoga to Fort Crown Point to get the cannons and Bendict Arnold won.

9/26: Fort Ticonderoga

Today we saw Fort Ticonderoga and Saratoga. They are the places of two important battles in the Revolutionary War.

We saw Fort Ticonderoga first. Ticonderoga means the land between the waters in a Native American language. The people who first built the fort were the French. At first the fort was called Fort Carillon. This place was called a “key to the continent”. In 1758, the Marquis de Montcalm’s force, which was much smaller, 1 French to 5 British soldiers, had built up large walls to protect the fort from British because they didn’t want the British to reach it. Amazingly, the French forces the British forces when they attacked. After the British defeat, they still wanted to take the fort. So, in 1759 General Amherst led an attack on Fort Carillon. The French Forces retreated after blowing up the power magazine. The British were left to clean up and the fort was renamed to be “Fort Ticonderoga.” Three weeks after the battle in Concord, Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys and Benedict Arnold came to attack Fort Ticonderoga. On May 10, 1775 they attacked the fort, taking the men hostage and capturing 59 cannons. The cannons were needed for Boston Siege. With many oxen they moved 59 cannons in the winter in two months. After the fort had lost its importance, after the British abandoned the fort, the settlers who were moving up there for summer homes and needed stone for building fireplaces and other stuff took stones from the fort causing it fall into disrepair. In 1816 Stephen Pell’s grandfather bought the land for a summer home on the Champlain Lake. Then when his grandfather died, he acquired the land and started to rebuild the fort to the state it was earlier. A coincidence that I found interesting was that General Howe, who attacked the fort in 1758 and was killed, and that his little brother General Howe was attacked by the Americans who used the cannons from the fort. Benedict Arnold was a major person in both Saratoga and Fort Ticonderoga.

Saratoga was one of the major battles that the Americans fought. This battle gained the help of the French, who wanted to beat down there old enemy, the British. The point of the British’s campaign was to capture the town of Albany and spilt the southern states from the northern states, thus ending the war. But on the way Gates’es army marched up to stop them. They met at Saratoga. There were a few skirmishes here and there. Then the British were told that they would get reinforcements. So they started building fortifications, but after awhile the British could not wait anymore. The Americans had gotten reinforcements. They attacked the redoubts and captured them. The British was running low on food so, they retreated, on Oct. 8th. At the end, the Americans made the British surrender. This gained help of the French, letting us win the war with Britain.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

9/23 Fort Niagara and Power Vista

We are in the Niagara Falls area. Today we saw Fort Niagara and Power Vista.
First we went to Fort Niagara. This fort was the center of several battles. Three nations fought over the area. They were American, French and British. First the French built the French Castle, otherwise known as the “the peace building”, but was set up for warfare; the walls were very thick, the windows barred, and the building had a powder magazine. They also built some other structures. The first fort was completed in 1727. The British also wanted the control of the river. They attacked the French fort in 1759, while French and Indian war waged. After the 19 day siege, the British captured the fort.  Then after the American Revolution, the British were forced to give up the land by a treaty in 1796. Then, in 1813 the British took the fort back. In that battle 65 Americans died and only 6 British died.  After the War of 1812, the fort was no longer needed the fort was returned to the Americans in 1815. The fort was used later for training new troops during wars. Then in 1963 the fort’s last troops were withdrawn.  The first enlisted soldier to get a pension salary in the United States military was a person who looked after this fort.
Then we when to Power Vista in the area where there is a hydroelectric plant called Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant. In this power plant, 2,400MW are produced. That’s enough to power to power 2.5 million houses. The Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant is the 2nd largest power plant in the US. The dam was built in three years, which most people thought it was impossible, but it happened anyways. The workforce consisted of 10,000 skilled workers. The reason the people built the plant was because the previous one collapsed into the river. 600 thousand gallons a second of water is diverted from above the falls to go over the dam; and flows through conduits into a 22 billion gallon holding tank. That is almost as much as the amount of water that goes over the falls. All of this goes into making power.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22:Niagara Falls American Side

Wow!! Niagara Falls are a roaring rush of water. The largest falls, Horseshoe Falls, has 675,000 gallons of water per second thundering over the falls and it's plung pools are around 160-200 feet deep. It's so powerful that we could see the mist from miles away. There are two other falls in the area. They are American Falls and the Bridal Valle Falls. They are a little bit taller than the Horseshoe Falls.  Down river of the falls is another strong force at work a whirlpool.  The whirlpool is caused by the weakness in the rock because of the last Ice Age that carved a valley where the river used to flow.

Many geologic processes have shaped the Niagara Falls. The last Ice Age changed the channel that the Niagara River used to flow in. The old channel was filled in with moranine. The falls started ona  fault line that caused an escrapment. The cliffs are made of Dolostone, Limestone and Shale. The Dolostone is on top and also is the strongest rock. Under that is the Shale which is the weakest. There is limestone at the bottom. The Dolostone breaks away when the falls erodes the shale and undercuts it.. During the last 12,000 years the falls have moved back 7.5 miles. This formed the falls we see today.

The falls were first discovered by American Indians. Then the first westerner to discover the falls was a French explorer. Then people started to develope the area. On one of the islands there was a paper mill and by the river there is ruins of a power plant that fell into the river. There are many tours to the falls and around the area.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/21: On the Move Again

We got unstuck from Elk Rapids, Michigan. We stayed there for 4 days. My sister learned to bike and is now a great biker. Now we are staying in Niagara Falls, New York for 4 days.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

9/18:Sleeping Bear Dunes

We’ve been driving a lot so there was not a lot to talk about the past days but we did see Lake Superior, which is a glacial lake.
We were on way to Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan when our car broke down in Elk Rapids, Michigan. Luckily we broke in front of a body shop with a tow truck.  They took our car and the local campground host took our trailer to the campground that was close to where we broke down.  We ate a restaurant called The Riverwalk and had white fish.
The next day we went to Sleeping Bear Dunes which was named that after the Indian legend about the area. The legend said the mama bear and her cubs swan across Lake Michigan but the cub didn’t make it and drown and the mother bear sleeps their on the dunes waiting for her cubs whose graves are the Manitou Islands
The area is rich in geologic features were formed by the glaciers.  Before The Great Lakes were even formed there were many rivers in the area of The Great Lakes. When the glaciers, which were 2 miles deep, covered the area they widened the valleys a lot, left moraines around the ends of the glaciers and depressed the land forming the lakes.  As the glaciers melted the land rebounded and tilted southward blocking the northern exit from Lake Heron when the lakes tilted they flowed into the Mississippi River.
The Sleeping Bear Dunes are “perched dunes” on top of the old moraines created by the glaciers. The coastlines are very steep because the moraine has been craved away by the wind-driven waves in the lake.  We also saw peninsulas on The Great Lakes. They were made by medial moraines, which were made when two glacial lobes joined together.
People climbing 450 foot sand wall
I saw all the diverse life zones of the park. There are 5 different life zones. They are: Beech/Maple Forest, Pine Forest, The Shrub Zone, Active Dunes and The Beach. The Beech/Maple Forest is the climax forest of the area. Under the Red Leaf Maple, White Birch, Beech, Basswood and Hemlock canopy forests live many deer, cougars (no longer there), opossums, coyotes and owls.  The Pine Forest is the other kind of forest. In the less thick red and white oak and the red and white pine forest live squirrels, hedgehogs, bobcats and piliated woodpeckers. The Shrub Zone is where the forests change into the dunes. In the drier envornment juniper, buffalo berry and jack pine survive. Badgers, red fox, many rodents and prairie warbler live in the plants around them.  The Active Dunes are very deserty and expose ghost forest as they blow backwards into the forests. Dune grasses and strong trees survive the harsh envornment . The animals that live there must be very strong like the seagulls and smaller animals. The beach is home to many wading and shore birds. The plants that live on the beach are mostly shrubs. Also, otters play along the shore and streams.

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13: Interstate State Park: Ice Age

Today we explored the Interstate State Park in Wisconsin along the St. Croix River. This place has geologic significance. One billion years ago lava was laid down from a volcano 100 miles from here. When the ice melted it moved in a river and the rapids were so quick that rocks, sand and pebbles could go in a crevice and carve the lava forming a pothole which are like pots. They could be 15’ deep and 6 or 7’ wide.

During the Ice Age a glacier covered a lot of the area forming many of the interesting formations that we see today. One of types of the formations are eskers which are formed when a retreating glacier has a steam that drops pebbles and sand under the melting ice. The hills look like a serpent. Drumlins are elongated hills that are like eskers but not curved. End moraines are glacial dumps at the end of a glacier. Kames are cone-like hills that are formed by streams flowing with sediments moving down a hole in the ice called a moulin. A kettle is formed when an ice block melts below the ground making the surface fall in, forming a pond.

After these geologic process people came to the area. Some of the native Americans who lived near here were the Ojibwe who gathered wild rice from the marshes. The “wild rice” is not actually rice, but rather is a seed of a grass.

French fur traders and trappers were some of the first Western people to come to the area looking for beaver pelts and other furs. They named many of the local rivers and places. After them came the loggers looking for the white and red pines. They cut down the trees and floated them down the St. Croix river, creating mile long log jams!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11: Trip starts

We just started our road trip yesterday. Today we are going in the car for 12 hours. We are in Colorado right now We will be stopping Omaha, Nebraska at around 9:00. Today nothing much is going to happen. We won’t be able to blog for about a week because of internet connection. But when we get Niagara Falls I will tell you all about my adventures.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We leave tomorrow

We leave on our 7 week trip tomorrow.  First up is driving through Colorado and then Nebraska. Wish us luck.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting ready for my Fall Road Trip

This is my third fall road trip. My family and I are going to the east coast for 7 weeks.  We will be going to national parks and visiting many monuments.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started the new school year at Santa Fe Prep.  The first day I was so nervous about school.  The second day we went the Community College ropes course and did some team building upper and lower ropes course. I did the upper ropes course with Collin, a friend.  We did the Y tightrope walking ropes course.  Today, I started our real classes got books and started homework.  I'm so excited for this year.